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How to onboard a driver?
How to onboard a driver?
Zerity Team avatar
Written by Zerity Team
Updated over a week ago

To self-onboard a driver in Zerity, follow these steps:

1. Go to "Drivers" and click on "Onboarding."

2. Select "Onboard Driver."

3. Choose the Carrier and Depot.

4. Enter the driver's email and phone number.

5. The driver will receive a link to complete the self-onboarding process.

Once the self-onboarding process is completed, the driver will be added to your list of active drivers and can begin using Zerity's features.It is important to note that during the self-onboarding process, drivers will be asked to provide their contact information, vehicle details, and insurance information. This ensures that all necessary information is collected in order for them to start working with your business efficiently.Additionally, once a driver has completed the self-onboarding process, they will have access to their own dashboard on Zerity where they can view upcoming jobs, track earnings, and manage their schedule. This makes it simple for drivers to stay organized and keep up-to-date with their tasks.

By utilizing Zerity's self-onboarding feature for drivers, you can save time and resources while also ensuring that all necessary information is collected accurately. This helps to streamline the process for both your business and your drivers, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Furthermore, Zerity's self-onboarding feature allows for a seamless integration with your existing systems. You can easily import driver information from other platforms or manually add them to Zerity without any hassle.

In addition, Zerity offers customizable onboarding forms and documents that can be tailored to fit your specific needs. This ensures that you are collecting all the required information from your drivers in a clear and efficient manner.

Zerity also provides automated reminders and notifications to ensure that drivers complete their onboarding process in a timely manner.

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